from pretty to hot. ( :
HELLO. yeah today im gonna show you what MY defenition of hot is ( : we'll start from 10 downwards. NO SAYING THAT YOU DONT AGREE. I DONT CARE. ps. i wanted to write about ugly singers, but my sister thought someone would sue me. ._. so well here are pretty singers instead. DONT ASK ME WHY IM DOING THIS. im just bored. ; (
ITS PINK. AT NUMBER 10. ( : sorta pretty i guess.
ITS TEDDY GEIGER. AY NUMBER 9. not that handsome but if you look closer or enlarge this photo you can see that he has like green AMAZING eyes. ( : btw he sings the song for you i will AWESOME SONG.
ITS HILARY DUFF AT NUMBER 8. she looks abit messy here, but still pretty.

ITS JEWEL AT NUMBER 6. shes the girl that sings intuition. damn old song.
but she has like nice voice.

ITS ADAM LEVINE AT NUMBER 5. hes the dude from maroon 5.

ITS RIHANNA AT NUMBER 4. look how pretty she is in this photo. ( : like before she got that haircut.

den deen deenn deeen denn deeeenn.
NUMBER 1 IS ...................................................

so now. you know who i think is damn pretty and all. but i still wanna say one last thing. I THINK ESTELLE IS DAMN FUGLY. like really. her jaw can freaking fit an elephant in it. like serious. LOOK AT HER.

PERFECT PICTURE TO SHOW HOW UGLY SHE IS. i mean yeah very mean but in her video american boy, she acted as if she were like taylor swift. shes not not even 0.0000001 perfect of taylor. so yeahss. THIS IS ALL. for now. so BYE. ( :
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