Thursday, November 13, 2008


HEYY today this WHOLE post is dedicated to those orchid girls spamming swee mans blog. well FK YOU CAN? you think youre the best * MAMMA MIA* you think thats so great? wel i know * GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIE* lets do MY PERSONAL FAVOURITE. quotes so you cant deny what you have written.....
"frm orchid=): ok, guess whatt lily ppl, you guy really, seriously freaking lame and ****ing fugly. get that right" YEAH AND YOURE FKING PRETTY? who the hell do you think you are. GOD? no youre not even fit to be a prostitue can? IM NOT SAYING THAT YOUR DANCE WAS LOUSY. im saying YOU are. TEEHEE LIVE WITH IT. if i were you id totally commit suicide yeah?
"frm orchid=): so..anyway, i totally aree with the daisy girls(the negative part)and mind u,ur not the top 3" WOW. we're NOT the top 3 then youre supposed to be???? youre just siding with the daisy person cause shes in a better class? i mean im not saying about my friends in orchid im talking about that asshole who gave the comments. think youre damn great. HOW TYPICAL OF YOU. you know i see 2 similarites of BOTH the daisy person and you. BOTH OF YOU ARE JUST TO SCARED TO GIVE YOUR REAL NAME. youre the losers. and your url? dont you have one? put it down.... RETARDS.
"frm orchid=): omh my god that vthing about u being best is SO fake" CHILDREN. TELL TEACHER WHATS WRONG IN THIS QUOTE? * chlidren says EVERYTHING* omgh wtf is that? and i defintely do not understand the meaning of vthing. and i thought you were smart.... you cant even speak proper english and wanna fight. then fk you.
"Lilly is SO not top me: omg i totall agree anyways daisy ROCKS SO MUCH BETTER than u retared people "frm orchid too: OMG! soooo fake?so fake! totally agreed! go get a freaking life !daisy girls are better hello?" we alr got a life its YOU who doesnt have one. youre only trashing her blog cause what i said was right. ( : YOU KNOW IT..... and to that BYE YOU B!TCH.
"frm orchid too: anw, lemmme say ur pic is soooooooo ugly puh-lease" refer to top comment. who knows you may a fugly bangela disgused as fugly school girl... who knows.
"frm orchid=): just **** off losers... or should i say... fugly ah-lians" umm LOOK AT WHAT YOU WERE WEARING FOR CHILDRENS DAY? you brought ZINC bags.... and wore newbie shirts. and you think thats not ah lian wtf is wrong with you. OHH RIGHT I ALMOST FORGOT THAT YOU WERE RETARDED....
"frm orchid too: u noe why cuz ur name is pon+porn so be happy .wat can u do abt my eer so nice not to mention" um thats ok if you call her porn cause i alr did at the start of the year... ( : TEEHEE. NOT AFFECTED.
"fromdaisy: Orchid girls this is none of your business and you were not in the top three. only daisy won." HOHOHOHOHOHOHO...... even your " friends" said it was none of your business. TEEHEE. and she even said you WERENT in the top three mind you. ( : but i gotta hand it to that daisy girl she solved the orchid problem..... you know you love me...... JACQUELINE LOW EN - QI i will repeat again SUE ME FOR ALL I CARE. : P not including other orchid girls just the one on swee mans blog. ( :


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