Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My camera is fucked up.

Hey guys. so the concert was pretty awesome but im not gonna blog about it today. YOU WANNA KNOW WHY? CAUSE MY FUCKED UP CAMERA DELETED MY VIDEOS ON ITS FUCKING OWN. what the hell right? and you wanna know what the worst part was? they were all the longest and the ones i wanted to show nicole AND THEY WERE ALL MY FAVOURITE SONGS. you wanna know which videos? ok Yellow, The scientist, Clocks, FIX YOU? YEAH I FUCKING NEED TO FIX YOU MY CAMERA. and my recording of them doing a super speacial song thing in the audience you may be like OHH its just one of thier songs. NO IT WAS FUCKING NOT OK? IT WAS DAMN SPEACIAL AND DAMN FUNNY. AARRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I WOULD SMASH MY CAMERA NOW but my dad would kill me and eat my heart if he knew i was the one who smashed it. Oh and you know what? MY SISTER BLAMED ME.
"who asked you not to upload it earlier?"
FUCK LARH. SO SAD ALREADY STILL WANNA DO MORE GOD-DAMN DAMAGE MEAN ASS. ARGH ARGH ARGH ARGH ARGH ARGH ARGH. but i got the ones like lost and viva la vida and stuffs like that so yeah.
I AM SO DAMN ANGRY PISSED SAD AND I WANNA KILL YOU. so wait till im chillaxed till i brag about how great the concert was and how you werent there. Till then my assholic camera and friends.


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