Saturday, March 7, 2009

GRADES. lets compare.

heyy guys. ok so im writing this for like a friend in america so im comparing asian grades and american grades. A,B,C,D,F for a white guy in america A would mean AWESOME like omg yay an A. ok and B would mean better like so so and stuff. C would mean youre still doin' okz and D means youre not doin' too good and F just means you fail (: BUT for asians in america A stands for Average youre just like ................ B would stand for BAD youre like already below average which is duh bad. C stands for Crap which means your homework or test was really just plain crap so yeah you'd already be pretty screwed by then.... D stands for Death your parents would probably start threatening to kill you now so......... and like F omg it just stands for Fcuked. your parents will just send you back to china in a box or something. so yeah youre pretty screwed if youre asian. so yeah and in america you dont have PSLE which is total crap because your teachers lie and say that youre going to fail and you get so scared cause youre failing every mock exam you get. so my bunch of friends and i just thought we were hopeless and during exams like after school we would play. like PLAY. and then my teacher would give us a fking long lecture on how badly we're gonna fail and we didnt care. and guess how much i got OH NO. i didnt get liek 150 i got 223 without studying. BEAT THAT! (: HAH. so yeah if youre primary 6 this year just dont study THAT hard it really doesnt make a difference..


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