Thursday, December 11, 2008

merryyy meerrrryyy chrrisssmasss.

(: heelllloooo all. havent been blogging lately. well not many people read my blog anyways. : P hahaa. today im gonna share a song with you. a blind man made it up himself, he should be a little more origainal though. "jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way, old macdonald had a farm." TEEHEE. (:
ohh yeahh. i forgot to blog about something. im not gonna do it today.. HEY its either a discription or photos you knoww. short post. ): boo?

P.S// hey! all you people dont ask me for my hotmail anymore i'll give it to you now. its as good as its gonna get alr. i made it when i was ......... p3. the only things i could think of............ anyone add me yeah? i dont care who you are as long as 1. youre not a stalker that wants to kill me. 2. youre not a gangster. 3. not ah lian and NOT ah beng. 4. i hate you (: as long as you read this post and are not the people that are stated above AADD i wanna keep in "TOUCH" .

P.P.S// anyone wants anything from bankok? like shopping stuffs A&F? tagg me and i'll seeeeee....... (:


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