Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Hey guys if you saw my post just now like my awesome videos got DELETED? but i decided not to be a jackass and to just continue with the shit in my life. (:
So the concert was really the fucking best thing thats happened in my life so far. Whoopie! so yeah friggin' awesome. so yeah heres the tickets if some of you freaktards dont believe i went.

SO GOD-DAMN BLUR. make my eyes bleed.

I even have the recipt HA YOU ASSHOLES DIDNT BELIEVE ME.

Then there was this opening called Mercury Rev?
WE were in the moshpit and there was like what 30 people there only? like whatever. Then the bass guitar dude kept on looking at me............ ew. Heres what i think might have been going on in his mind.

*Looks at me* Isnt this girl too young to be here? Wait hold up, we're opening for COLDPLAY ahh. Ok. *Looks at the drummer*

AND THATS WHAT HAPPENED. all the pictures werent clear cause they kept moving. I wish i could freeze time man. WAIT. if i could haha.......... You would be suprised at what im thinking of doing if i really could. so yeah heres the pictures of "The Band That CAN Be Moved"

He looks like the totally not as hot and fatter version of Afro dude by the way. I wanted to take a photo of his damn hot guitar but just at that moment he swung the damn thing. Then i thought the person playing the piano near the singer was like damn hot then i wanted to take a picture then the singer stood infront of the guy then WHOO you dont wanna know what i took. AND I DELETED IT YOU SICK BASTARDS.

Then something caught my eye i looked up and i saw HIM! He was like standing in the middle of nowhere then i was like what the hell is he doing there? I found out hes the guy that makes the cool sounds on the guitar. haha. who knew. (When i showed nicole she was like whos this skinny guy?!?!?!) The link i got from coldplay thing said his name was. Dave?

The drummer had an Afro thing goin' on too..................

You see that guy in the red jeans? Thats the lead signer. At first i thought he was possessssssssseeeeeeeeddddddddd. Then i slowly realised it was part of the act. THEN THE GUY BESIDE ME GOT THE FUCKING GUITAR PICK CAN? AAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHH.

THEN, a couple of suckers came in fornt of me. ALL I COULD SEE WAS THEYRE HAIR WHICH DIDNT EVEN SUIT THEIR FACES. then WHOOWEE. ever since they went there the ushers started being total assholes and were like GO BACK TO YOUR SEATS OR WE WONT START THE SHOW. then we were all like wtf when coldplay comes everyones gonna rush back and mosh again why not let us stay. *RETARDED* THEN THE FUCKER PUSHED ME. then i kicked his shoe then looked at me. HAHAHA. serves you right dude you pushed me first. (: So then we went back to our seats AND GUESS WHO I SAW???? AFRO DUDE AND HIS ASS UGLY GIRLFRIEND FISH NETS! co-inci-dence OR WHAT? hahaha. SO CUTE. *thinks about his girlfriend* SO UGLY. they dont click. so yeah. THEN COLDPLAAYYYYZZZZ. (: i forgot what song they opened with. hahaha ok whatever then VIOLET HILL.


YEAH! so hot and i think hes like damn funny.


I think this was before Yellow. (SIGH) i remember this picture was taken when they were singin' Clocks. He did the awesomest piano solos i have ever heard.

The womans head blocked my view and she danced. Alot.

The ugly head that blocked all of mankind behind her unsually large head. And she stood on a freaking chair man.

Nice ass phone? NO IT IS NOT. and you wanna know why? Cause it blocked me. (:

I love his guitar says VIVA. (: viva what??? i dont know.............


The lights that shot out from the back of the stage. My clearest picture. -_-

To think you actually gotta enlarge this picture to actually see anything except the screen.

Chris Martin Surrounded by a sea of hair. (:

nice. (:

I like his guitar leh.

OKOK i know some of you may be thinking WHERE ARE THE VIDEOS CHILLAX K? cause THE VIDEOS ARE HERE! YEAH! and those that got deleted i'll either give you the url to watch it live too but like on youtube. (: the videos may be 10 seconds or shorter or longer and some songs may be cut, DONT COMPLAIN. (: my fucking camera suddenly decided that it was too damn lazy to record videos and said "MEMORY FULL"


(the damn video is taking a ass-long time to upload)

(You know ive been waiting for 45 mintues?) argh.

I JUST TOOK ANOTHER ASS-LONG SHOWER AND ITS NOT DONE YET? ARGH. i deleted the thing i'll give you the link they uploaded some of the songs my fuck camera deleted too. AWESOME? yeah! so yeah heres the link and tell me if you really wanna see the videos i took cause i'd be like happy to show you. (If you were my friend) So yeah.

the song on MY page now is yellow just click the top parts to view the other uh 3 i think. And if you dont have facebook then too bad. (:

So yeah then during the ending song Lovers In Japan OMFG. (:

THIS BECAME...........................................................

OMFG AWESOME? they were like paper stuff cut out into shapes of butterflies! IN A VARITEY OF COLORS.

Yeah here are the pretty-ful butterflies close up.



and this turned into a totally awesome photo of Jill. (:

P.S// i'll probably upload the videos another day cause ive been sittin infront of the computer my throat is hurting and my neck is breaking and my eyes are uh small. So yeah Im sorry if like you wanted to see MY videos but uh yeah tell me if you really want to i'll show em to ya.


Blogger Slipknotmonkey2348 said...

Hello. Do you have 3 butterflies in Red Blue and Yellow I could buy from you? This would be so amazing to own these because my partner went to Wembley and saw this tour in Sep 2008 and has lost his butterfly which he still talks about it today. I would love to relight his memory this Christmas and put a smile on his face. Regards Natalie.

December 5, 2019 at 1:57 PM  

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