Thursday, December 11, 2008

quiz! (:

hello all people! i am SO bored so quiz time!

Is there someone who you like at the moment?
I like everyone except one.

Have you ever given or been given a rose?

What is your all-time favorite romance movie?
ummm. love ey. umm i dont know i forgot. : P

Do you believe in love at first sight?
i dont know but yeah i guess.

Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?
uh yeah except those who are disgusting. like umm. you get me....

Have you ever had your heart broken?
by whom may i ask?

What do you think about long-distance relationships?
no can do......

Your thoughts on online relationships?
what if the person is fugly? ohh wait what if hes hot? HMMM.

Would you rather date someone five years older or five years younger?
uhh. older i guess. younger maybe........

Have you ever seen a friend as more than a friend?
yeah BEST friend. (:

Do you believe the statement, "Once a cheater always a cheater?"
uhh if the persons sucks why not! ;DD

How many kids do you want to have?
900 kiddies.

Do you usually fall for the right boy/girl?
no? i dont even "fall"

What colors make you think of LOVE?
ORANGE teehee.

What are your views on gay marriages?
gay huh.... well i guess they have something wrong in their heads?

Do you believe you truly only love once?
uhh. i dont think so.....................................

Imagine you're 79 & your spouse just died, would you re-marry?
79 so old alr manz. i dont think anybody would want me anymore.

At what age did you start noticing the opposite sex?
when i was 4 i had a guy best friend?

Do you think that someone likes you at the moment?
Yeppie. my friends. (: they dont hate me o they must LIKE me.

Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
hong li? maybe..... maybe not. i saw her today though FUN FUN FUN.

Do u love him?
him? hong lis a girl...

Do you have a reason to smile right now?
yeah, i saw my love love today!

If you won a lot of money on the lottery, what would you buy first?

Who was the last person of the opposite sex you had a conversation with?
hong kiat.

Who was driving the last car you were in?
my dad. (:

Who was the last person that texted you?
yong jia

What are you craving right now?

Will you marry the last person you kissed?
my aunt forced kissed me and NO I WILL NOT MARRY HER.

What are you excited about?
Meeting janicia and my love love. (:

Ever kissed your 1st featured on Friendster?
My sister? umm no.........

When was the last time you cried? And why?
umm i forgot.

Ever kissed someone who's name starts with an A?

What are you currently listening to?
Benny and the jets.

Is there one person who can make you feel better no matter what?
yeah HONG LI! always make me smile.... (: like NOW!

Last person you hugged?
uh my sister cause she told me to she wanted to "cam-whore"

What were you doing at 2:00 am?
um my sister woke me up then i was play with her ipod.

Have you cried today?

What did you do today?
i meet my love love.

What bed did you sleep in last night?

Are you currently frustrated with a girl/guy?
who isnt?

Ever talked to someone that was high?
high on drugs? uh ew no?

Does it snow where you live?

When is the next time you will see your grandma?
shes behind me *looks at her.

Have you kissed or hugged someone today?
i had a conversation..... (:

Are you a dumb blonde?
im not blonde. im not THAT dumb. *wink wink

Will you be married in the next two years?
when im 14? DREAM ON.

Have you ever wanted someone you thought that you know have?
that you know have? WTF IS THAT? fking lousy english.... wont answer this stupid question.

Are you in a relationship, single, complicated or engaged?
in fact IM MARRIED.

How have you feel today?
WONDERFUL. just perfect.

Do you like your name?
ummm its ok.

Are you happy at the moment?

What were you doing at 10:00pm last night?
watching suite life of zack and cody.

Last person who drove you somewhere(besides your parents)?
drove me. hong lis mum. (:

Have you ever been kissed in a closet?
uh i dont play spin the bottle...... i play TRUTH OR DARE.

Do you live alone?

Do you have a friend of the opposite sex that you can talk to?
yeah talk of course larh.

Are you crazy?
umm i would say a little bit......

Who was the last person to call you babe?
yong jia..................... ouu WERID......

Last thing you drank?
drank...... bubble tea with love love

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
uh yeah i just dont know why............

Could you ever forgive a cheater?
people say forgive and forgot. i say Never forgive and NEVER forget. unless you have to.

well that was MY answers. TAGG ALL OF YOU DONT THINK I DONT KNOW YOURE READIN. tagggg...... taagggg. taggg. espeacially if i know you. (:


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