Tuesday, February 3, 2009


hello all! before i start of with my post. i would like to make one thing clear (cause this post is about my teacher) ok xiaxue has mentioned this so.......... yeah!
ok we pay teachers right? so like we pay them to teach us not scold us and stuffs.... AND TAKE OUR IPODS (and phones). yeah! and i mean like and if they keep scolding us and making us miserable it'll be like our parents are the one that are paying for us to get toutured, like dont you think thats abit numb-skull-ish? so you get my point yeah i hope you do. and if youre a teacher please do not feel in any way insulted by my post. because I LOVE YOU. uh........ yepp......
ok so i was listening to my ipod in class then i looked at the time and was keeping it.then suddenly my teacher lets call her. TEACH! ok she comes in fornt of jill that was just taking out her ipod (most probely to put in the locker) cause she just came... and demands to take it and jills like. WTF. then she say NO LISTENING IN CLASS (ok i'll say it now she says everything in chinese so.. ) and we're like OHH thats why then try to explain and she walks off! LIKE OMFG. then our first reactions we like WHAT THE FROG. -_- then being the drama queen that i am i think of horrible things that will really never in a million years happen THEN DING DING something hit me. kevin? NO! AN IDEA! jill was think of a like " HEY can we get our uh ipods back? -_-" KINDA THING hahhaa. then i was thinking of a ' lao shi we're like really super duper sorry about the ipod thing we really didnt know......" WHICH we did do... then AMAZING AS IT SEEMS. said " later after everything see me ok?" ;DDD haha. then she after school we went to see her. then she gave us back then SHE SAID THE FUNNIEST THING CAN? "next time you two catch the people who use ok?" then jill and i were like. UH HUH?........... I THINK SHES PRETTY OK NOW. she used to be super crazyy. but i mean yeah. but I LIKE MR RAZALI. hes damn nice. (: unlike. *COUGH COUGH* ok finee im not so mean. *WINK WINK*
teehee guys gotta do my homeworkk. (:
P.S// HEY ALL febuary born people (that i know) you can request for b'day gifts! hahaha. feel free too. (:


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