Friday, February 27, 2009

i guess i cant blog about you guys no more. oh well.

hey yo guyz. well the school just said we cant put OUR thoughts on OUR blogs. hpmh well i guess its the end of my blog............ haha JUST KIDDIN' theres more to my life then my fun or maybe not so fun teachers. well i dont wanna get sued.. -_- so yeah. "I LOVE MY TEACHERS. AND I 'CARE' ABOUT WHAT THE PEOPLE I WRITE ABOUT FEEL." (: spread the word. so yep i had SPA today it was so damn easy we just had to boil water. oh how fun! then after the thing boiled i just took the wooden holder thing out then i held the test-tube in my hand then the teacher watching my was like. "your hands not burnt ah?" then i was like "uh nope. im good" then she laughed? right............ so yeah it was a breeze. oh yeah and hong li just told me that its HKs b'day tomorrow so happy birthday yeah? on my favourite day somemore. aweosme or what? haha. ok well you wont be hearing much of kaw anymore but shes being really nice to me now...... omg so scary. i hope she stays like that then everyone would actually start to like her again. "a person can never remove their moles" oh actually they can ahhaa. so i guess she can change. but its not likey someone would 'peel' their moles off.
ok another thing. im damn irritated at the people who were sitting behind of me during like the Libaray talk thingy they kept shouting out the god-damn answers when the damn woman wasnt even looking at them......... then every thought mary and i were the ones shouting. so retarded so i told them to shut up but they continued to shout. irritating stuff.
ok nicole lim hahaha today was so funny larh i show this wonder girls music video on MTV like yesterday and i told nicole (a super hard-core fan) that i heard the song. 'I WANT NOBODAY BUT YOUUUU. THEN RAP RAP RAP' then she started dancing the song larh and she danced super awesomely then *clap clap* hahaha. but she can really dance damn well like espeacially the *whooo* part. hahaha! so yeah thats all.
P.S// "You" have no life. i hate you. & heres a little secret for ya. youre ugly. (:
you can slowly guess who this little girl is................


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