Tuesday, February 17, 2009

PppppppppppOKER FACE.

hey yo! ok i mean hello all, so jill still (RHYMES) is like i( dont know how to say)-ing me. so yep thats bad. but i mean shes still my best friend. i mean i didnt do anything. (pretty much true i didnt talk to her) so yep. But look on the brightside KAW is getting nicer. OH MAN YOU FRIGGIN' WISH. -_- and badminton training is starting tomrrow. oh thats just so awesome. plus im going to the coldplay concert on 23 march which is a monday. and theres practice on monday. holy crap...... and you know what? i think ethels condition is getting worse. so yuyu asked her " so hey ethel we're having some class outing sorta thing. so will you come?" then she was like. O.O *bites fingernails* then she was like wtf. then i was irritated and was like. "O.K. ethel. we're having a class outing. will y.o.u.r parents allow Y.O.U to come?" AND FINALLY SHE NODS HER HEAD. and i wonder how the hell i am supposed to build a DNA structure with her. if she does it i'll say "thanks be to god" and i got a friggin shock when i found out she had 230 for her PSLE! OMFG. she doesnt do ANYTHING in class leh! just bite her nails only. i wish i were like her OH WHAT THE HELL AM I SAYING? nevermind. forget i even mentioned it. so after school. the *V* game people got together all except fei ni. -_- nevermind so we went back to the primary side to see our old teachers and then WOW. AMAZING. we saw all of them at once! i didnt wanna see ms lim but. what the heck. OH YEAH she still hasnt given me mt parker pen. -_- but anyways we started conplaining about KAW and uh ethel! (: teehee. then swee man kept on talking and talking and talking then hong li told her to shut up hahaha! oh yeah did i mention i accidentally called KAW dude instead of lao shi the other day and she was pissed. ok i was talking to rachel before that and i was like DUDE DUDE DUDE WHAT TO DO? cause i was drawing. : P ok then i go up to KAW and ask her then i accidentally went like. " dude what to do ah?" then she was like. O.O then i was like. 'SORRY i mean what must we do?" me feeling giggley and uh stuffs walked back to my seat and started laughing. DUH! oh man this post is really long for like words......... well. i guess im really typey today. and sad and fusrated and angry and uh tired. so yep the it ends here oh and by the way im deleting my blog.
P.S.S// JILL STOP (dont know how to say)-ING ME! (: i would like that very very much thank you.


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