Monday, November 16, 2009

Little things that you guys could care less about.

Hey guys, sorry for the kinda long, pissy post back there. Not feeling too good. Bad ankle, bruised finger, friends (.........).
So, a little update. While getting chocolate milk, i fell. Hence the bad, swollen ankle. Bruised finger? Well, while playing badminton, i smashed my racket right on my finger. Friends? Well, we'll see how many i have of that left after we sort the whole thing out.
More updates, well. Apart from the friend thing that may ruin the whole of my life next year, guess what? My dad's moving away the whole of next year. Not cool at all. I love him to death and i want to see him every fucking day. Not every other month...
I bet all you mother fuckers are laughing now, i shant ruin your moment by telling you to go fuck off.
Life is a bitch. - Not a single word of this quote is incorrect. Honestly, right now at this point of time, i fucking hate my life. People always have to be pissed off at me, it's like a sin if they're not. I'm a bad person. Yes, okay.

Peace out,
Kid of satan. \m/


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