Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Life is like a box of the old cereal your grandma eats, it sucks.

Hey guys, so.... My life has been going downhill ever since my birthday, whooohoo. :-\
Anyways, i think that life in singapore for kids is too bloody tough, i think the only person that doesn't agree with me are the people who are 21 and above. Even my cousin said he didn't learn the stuff i was learning till he was like sec 2? i don't know. Like the government probably thinks that by cramming shit into our brain and forcing us to study, that we will contribute to singapore's bloody hardcore society.
We're failing our subjects because it's too damn hard! Like even if it's hard and we fail, no point in making it hard right? PLUS, some people like *AHEMM* ME , actually get hit by their parents. Like yeah, my dad hits me. alot. He says i don't study hard enough and i don't try. :-\ C'mon, do you think i'm that brainless? If i knew you were gonna hit me if i didn't do well, you think i would've purposely done badly? That's bloody stupid. I hate geography, that's that. I can't bloody do well if i hate the subject, have a bloody weirdass teacher who quite frankly doesn't teach very well, how the hell am i supposed to pass??? It's like forcing someone who is tone-deaf to sing something in tune, IT'S I.M.P.O.S.S.I.B.L.E.
I really pity everyone who is around my age now. It's like we have exams all the time, therefore, we get scolding from our parents all the time which is not very good at all. And i just realised my dad has never ever not hit me once for my results before, with the exception on PSLE that is..... But before PSLE in the same year, he did. Sure, he did like not hit me a couple of times, but if he wasn't he'd be screaming in my face. Never once has he talked nicely to me OR my sister about results. I'm sure he had failed something before, he should know we don't like failing too right? I swear, if he did the exam papers we are doing now, he wouldn't pass. So, i get to hit him back.. :)
KIDDING. I'm just saying parents, namely MINE should quit hitting OR shouting at us, or namely ME.
In you face suckas, my dad was an asshole to me last night.
wait, it's in my face..... *flips you off*


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