Saturday, January 9, 2010

The hardest part of living is just taking breaths to stay.

Hello everybody, I feel like puking really badly, but I'm not going to. :-/
I am going to study and do math homeowork.
Wow, I'd never thought I'd say that, ever. Awesome. I'm gonna work hard this year and get kickass grades, except for Geography, I don't really care. So yeah! I whipped out my awesome black and white calculator and I'm on to doing questions.
I have just read the first question and it doesn't make sense. Okay, I need alot of practice. But I like my math teacher now. He's super awesome and he sweats alot and he's gonna have a baby! :D At first I thought he was gay but he's nice. I hope my drama teacher is Mr. A. I think he's be a cool teacher. Oh my god, I really feel like puking.
Why is the stupid math book asking a bloody science question?! DENSITY IS NOT MATH! (as far as I know). I just got a text regrading badminton. I love badminton. :)
Okay so, I think I need to do math now. But I feel like puking. So I don't think I feel like doing anything. I got a freaking bruise on my wrist. wtf. How did it get there? Hmmm, I wonder.
(On a side note : ALEX LOOKED EXTREMELY AWESOME IN THE DO YOU FEEL VIDEO. DELICIOUS. SO DID ANDREW AND MATTIE!) Well yes, my guitar teacher thinks I'm on drugs because I'm sorta high and mentally unstable during his classes. He thinks I should switch to a non beginners class. Should I feel happy? Or should I feel sad because maybe he just wants to kick me out? Naw, I don't think so, he's gonna teach the other class too. Okay forget about that. I need to do math, but I still need to puke dammit. But I can't puke so I feel horrible. OMG!askarth. Hehe. Awesome. I need something to talk about. This is getting nowhere. *maybe it is....* *wink wink* This is so lame Jacqueline. Oh my god, I called myself Jacqueline. I just did it again. :-/ This is getting random and lame and I am talking to myself. Damn does my bruise hurt! *presses bruise repeatedly* OUCH. Oh, by the way, I can lob all the way to the back now! I feel great! And tired. I don't want to take my piano theory exam. It's like a few months away and I can't even remember the the sequence of the chords. I need a haircut. My hair is like really really long but I like it. :( But my mom thinks I need a haircut. So yes, I am going to cut my hair. Soon. Maybe. I hope not. This is getting so bloody random. Oh, I read that Lady GaGa is satanic. I don't know. But she's cool. Impressive. Yes it bloody is.


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