Thursday, December 31, 2009

I hate 2009.

Hello everyone. So it's gonna be 2010 in about 30 minutes and well, I guess I'll blog about the things I liked about 2009 and some of the things I hated.
1. I made a whole lotta new friends this year.
2. I got into a good CCA.
3. I got new stuff.
4. I picked up a new hobby.
5. Fell in love with 3 new guys that I will probably never meet.
6. I'm closer to my sister. Kinda.
7. Hong Li threw me the most awesomest awesome surprise birthday party eva.
8. Jill gave me a turtle (But it died.) :(
9. I got a new maid but like she's really nice because every morning when I wakes up she says good morning and asks me if I want anything for breakfast.
10. I MEET SAM FUCKING EMBERY AND RAYGUN! Well, he is in Raygun but, RAYGUN!!

1. I made new enemies.
2. Fought with my best friends multiple times.
3. Had the worst effing teachers ever.
4. So many people died this year.
5. I lost someone that meant alot to me.
6. Found out my dad has to go to a shitty country I hate to work the whole of next year.
7. Getting injuries from badminton.
9. Failed new subjects and math.
10. Pissed my parents off countless times.
11. I stopped going swimming. :(
12. Loved a man-whore/bastard.
13. Still in love with a man-whore/bastard.
14. Found out I really need anger management classes.
15. Sang too loudly infront of alot of people who now keep talking to me about it.
16. Let alot of people down.
17. Got extremely sick.
18. Got beatings from my dad for something I didn't do.
19. I let myself down this year.
20. I just hate thinking of the things I hate this year.

This is why I hate 2009.
This is why I hate you. Hahaha, i'm just kidding! (No, not really.)
So yeah, to my friends reading this, I really hope that we can leave everything behind in 2009 (the worst fucking year of my life) and start anew in 2010. Except for the people I hate, go away, I still hate you! :)
1. For all the new friends I made, you've made me very very happee.
2. Hong Li : We may not be in the same class anymore but screw it! I still love you! And we'll be friends foreva!
3. Jill Khooooooo : Hey Jilly beans. I know we've fought alot this year and well I hated every single one of our fights, I love you!
4. Nicole Hofbauer : Woah, where do I start.... You've been there for me like always! And I don't think we've like fought this year at all man! Hahaha! And the uh *wink wink* stuff you know la. Love you!
5. Janicia Lim : I know it's been rough for you this year, and I love you like woah. Yeah WOAH. So yeah! :D
6. Nezzie! : Eh, I love you okay. Don't think I'll like forget you or like get pissed at you. You're my Badminton buddy! :D And you're funny, AND CUTE!
7. Mary Kohz: You don't read my blog, only once then you added me on MSN and I asked you who you were. HAHAHAHA, and I ignored you during camp because I didn't know you were Mary and thought you were crazy! HAHA! Love you! Very very much...... *ding ding dong dong*
8. Vanessa : We're like damn close online la! WE FUCKING OWN FTSK. SELENA CAN SUCK IT! CALEB/KYLE/JOHN/GARRETT/EVERYONE ELSE WE LIKE! O.U.R.S. Love you!
9. Josephine Ang : You rock. \m/ HAHAHA. Talk to you every night and i'm still not bored! Love you like hell! and forever and forever! AND WE HAVE NEVER FOUGHT FOR THE 3 YEARS WE'VE BEEN FRIENDS. :D
(quick shout out to Jayne and Nate Geiger! Jayne you are awesome, and and like you are awesome. NATE, I LOVE YOU. Idiot. Moved away. You don't even know I have a blog. Nevermind. Come back and call me! Wait, you don't have a phone. Nevermind. :-/)
9. To everyone else : You guys still brighten up my day even though I didn't give a shout out! Even my enemies! You guys give me something to bitch about and talk about when I'm bored! Love you for being an asshole! :) AND MY PARENTS FOR DOING IT AND GIVING BRITH TO ME! My sister for rolling me on the floor before I could walk multiple times which probably made me a retarded child, that's the reason why I'm as funny as I am. *EGO* AND MY DAD FOR LETTING ME BUY A PAID APP! :D I LOVE YOU.



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