Sunday, December 27, 2009

I love my dad.

Hello guys! GUESS WHAT? My dad got me a new guitar! :D
Nicole told me to name it Juno, so I did. Which means it's a girl. So Davis and Juno can date. :-/

Okay, my guitar doesn't really look like that. My guitar is black. Everything is black. And no, i am not racist. MY GUITAR IS HOT.
It may not be the prettiest guitar out there but I still love her. *I sense jealously from Davis* But Juno is like fucking heavy. Like overweight, but whatever la. Vantage..... Never heard of that brand but whatever. :)
I think i'm gonna start studying like on tuesday. I really wanna pass math. I honestly have not done any homework (tuition and school) I am gonna buck up and kick myself in the ass till I pass. But i cant say the same for Geography though, I don't care if I fail. It's fucking dumbest subject ever. I will never get why we have to learn abut rocks, and our teacher told us they have feelings. Bullshit.


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