Thursday, January 14, 2010

I want your love and..... wait. No, not really.

Hello guys, so today was fun, but the bus ride home from Jill's house was HORRIBLE. Kinda. There are so many freaking weirdos that take 131. oh my god la. Okay when I got in the bus, there was this like damn young couple. I think they were like I think 15 only. And so when I got on the bus, the girl was like laughing at me cause I think I went to stand in front of the where and bus was and blah blah. Then her boyfriend gave her that -_- face. Then when both of them were getting off, like that bitch started laughing again when they walked pass me, then her boyfriend said "At least she's not ugly." HAHAHAHA. Okay, that was a nice thing to say. But the girl's reaction was like priceless. He was like -_- and she was like :O Wtf. Hahaha. :-/ Not funny.
Okay, then there was this bloody stupid old ugly loner man. Like I was standing and he bloody stood in front of me and asked "Do you play badminton?" Then I looked at my racket and I was like "Uh, yeah?" In my mind I was like "Are you retarded or something? Can't you see i'm holding a bloody badminton racket?!" Oh my god, he was like damn stupid. Then when I said yeah then YOU KNOW WHAT HE SAID? "Wah, really ah?" NO NOT REALLY. THAT'S WHY I HAVE A BADMINTON RACKET AND BADMINTON SHOES. WTF. :-/ He's already like freaking socially retarded because like he has no friends and like he's now mentally retarded? I pity him. I hate it when people ask bloody stupid questions. Okay, then there was this STUPID young china man that oh my god. You know what? Nevermind. All he did was just like smell bad. I mean, well, I didn't smell very good because it was after training, but he was like all dressed up! He probably has B.O. ew. Gross, I feel sorry for the person he's meeting. He should take a shower. Like major shower.
Tag reply to TIFF : She's this bitch that is like DAMN rude too all of us and like thinks she's effing pro at badminton. Oh and Yeah! They censor stuff. Yeah, they do...


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