Tuesday, February 9, 2010


OH MY GOD. MY BLOODY GUITAR STRING JUST BLOODY SNAPPED. I gotta go all the way to god knows where to go and restring everything. I'm just gonna restring everything. BLOODY HELL. WASTE MY MONEY LA. WHY THE BLOODY STRING SO FAST SNAP ONE? I WAS JUST BLOODY TUNING IT ONLY LA! GRRRR! Stupid strings. I don't like you. It's not the old classical one leh, IT'S THE BLOODY NEW BLACK ACOUSTIC ONE. NEW. I REPEAT. NEW. Who wants to follow me go re-string? Pftt, I shall just force Jill to follow me after school on friday. :D Teehee! 50 Bucks enough to re-string right? I hope so man. Nevermind, I'll ask from my mom. HEH HEH. ;)I hope I can change the colour of the strings. That'd be cool. Grr. I don't even know where to restring la bloody hell. Juno! BLAME YOUR BLOODY LOUSY STRINGS. I am so pissed off la. GRRRRRRRR. GRRRRRRRR. Damn, all the grr-ing makes me sound like a dog. NO LORH. THE STRING IS A BLOODY DOG. ARGH. ARGH. Crocodiles are fun fun creatures of the wild water. Oh my god, that sounds like Steve Irwin. Damn, he's dead. I remember he died on the 5 september.
It's damn irritating how everyone knows about this bloody small matter la. Lame. -_-


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