Saturday, January 30, 2010

Hammers and Strings.

For my baby Andrew. :)

These hammers and strings, Been following me around.
From a box-filled garage, To the dark punk rock clubs, Of one thousand American towns.
And my friend calls me up, She says, "How have you been?"
I say, "Dear I've been well, Yeah the money's come in.
But I miss you like hell, I still hear you in this old piano.
She says "Andy, I know, That we don't talk as much.
But I still hear your ghost, In these old punk rock clubs.
Come on, write me a song, Give me something to trust.
Just promise you won't let it be, Just the keys that you touch"

Give me something to believe in, A breath from the breathing.
So write it down, I don't think that I'll close my eyes'.
Cause lately I'm not dreaming, So what's the point in sleeping?
It's just that at night,I've got nowhere to hide.
So I write you a lullaby.

I love you. :)


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