Saturday, April 11, 2009

Charlene Yi is ugly.

Hey guys. So Michael Cera? You know the guy from Juno, Superbad.... Yeah this guy.

Do you wanna know who this super cute, awesome, talented, super, bestest guy in the universe is dating? HUH? Shes called Charlene Yi and yeah shes asian whatever awesome. But i mean he deserves a PRETTY girlfriend right? Shes ass-ugly. Heres what she looks like.

WHY IS HE DATING A FREAKO GIRL? OMFG RIGHT?!!?!?!?! omg look at her neck fat! Omg i feel blind. I AM BLIND. Like i feel sorry for him. I bet he was like forced cause she used her evil wah-ka-la-kah magic shit on him. I swear. Hes like never happy.

I know what you guys are thinking. OH JAC WAS BULLCRAPPING ABOUT HIM BEING UNHAPPY. No, i am not bullcrapping and the reason is cause, okay look at his face. Hes looking down right? Hes looking at this little tv that says "Smile or you Die. Date Charlene or you Die." Thats the only reason why hes smiling. and she looks like a cat. Cats are ugly. therefore she cat, cat ugly. It just indirectly says shes ugly so yeah.

Oh! Nicole wrote a song for me to her. Its pretty freakin sweet. You smell like glue, You look like poo. Even though youre yellow, youre one fugly fellow.

P.S// thats true. I mean good shes asian but i mean at least she gives people in the world hope right? :)


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