Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Slow cab drivers piss me off.

Hello guys, so today i woke up kinda late so i left my house at like 6.30am. So walking to my school would just take me too long and cause i didn't feel like walking, i decided to take a cab! :D
Then at 6.35am I was SO lucky! I got a cab and you know what? The cab wasn't driven by a dude cab man, HELL NO! IT WAS A OLD HAIRLESS WOMAN!
I get into the cab and here's the conversation.
Me : "Hey, to CHIJ Toa Payoh, lor. 1 please."
Woman : "Where is that?"
Woman : "Lor. what?"
Me : "UH, LOR. 1???"
Woman : "Oohh, okay."

WTF MAN!!! I just told you the freakin' address!!!!!! WHADDA FUCK! And she drove SUPER SLOWLY.
I swear, She NEVER EVER went past like 40 km/h, WHICH IS BLOODY SLOW. Even when like no fucking cars were blocking her, she just drove SUPER SLOWLY. And she MIGHT have drove even slower than before.
Like FUCK, even when she was bloody U-turning she still drove super slow and like she had to TURN the steering wheel so much, i bet her hands were going to fall off! FUCK SHE WAS TERRIBBLE.
And like so many bloody cars horned her and i just felt super stupid to be sitting in her cab. IT SUCKED BALLS. And whats more the song in her bloody car was like some old chinese song man! Like what the fuck! And she was trying to find an excuse so that i would have to pay more, she kept saying, wait wait i stop here, then she'll go like further and further away. WTF!

P.S.// Guitar Hero here i come! NOW. :)


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