Monday, September 28, 2009

Today was a day just like any other (thats how you can tell my life sucks)

Hello guys.
So today, i'm not really all that happy because, i just got forced by my CCA to join a badminton competition. (HOW GREAT IS THAT HUH?)
HELL YEAH! And to join, i gotta pay 20 bucks. :| wtf. So, you're tellin' me, that i gotta pay 20 bucks to see myself lose? OH THE JOY. I get to stand in front of like everyone who's gonna actually watch the match, and i get to have someone to tell me "YOU FUCKING LOSE."
Thanks alot.... thats a whole lotta confidence i'm gonna gain. And i mean, i know you're gonna say like, oh you may win and shit like that but, I KNOW I'M GONNA LOSE DUDE. I mean, c'mon!! I haven't even been in badminton for a YEAR and you want me to play in a competition. well thats just great. I mean, i don't hate the CCA or whatever but like, i don't wanna pay 20 bucks to see myself LOSE??? like what the hell! I can totally us the money to buy like tons of stuff! Like like, an American Apparel hoodie, or even, A UNICORN. YEAH YEAH, OR LIKE FRIES. But NOO, I'm using it to PAY to lose. AND i gotta give em' a copy of my EZ-link card picture. DO YOU KNOW HOW UGLY I LOOK IN IT? FUCKK. @#$#$#@^%^#%$#^&^
AND PLUS, the dentist just tightened my bloody braces, so now, I'M IN PAIN. Every waking moment of my life, i feel pain in my mouth. I have math homework and history homework and chinese homework AND art homework. It's gonna be like the bloody exam time soon, STOP GIVING US SO MUCH HOMEWORK SO WE CAN FUCKING STUDY. I swear i can do well even though you don't give me homework. SWEAR I TELL YOU, SWEARRRRRR.
OH AND YOU KNOW WHAT'S WORSE? I have like a geography exam on my BIRTHDAY. I hate geography btw. FML. FML. FML. FML. FML. FML.  ):


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