Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dear Jack, Dance Forever.

Here's a little All Time Low fanfic for ya. (FOR YOU JILL)

Let's Take Back To High School Gym Class...
He stood there awkwardly, watching her slim figure move in rhythm with the others.
Though, she still managed to rise above the rest of the lemmings, the rest were typical cheerleaders.
Suddenly, his heart struck a faint thump as the tall, blond, beautiful girl turned to face him.
A fine waxed eyebrow slightly raised, looking at the boy with a disapproving expression.
It was just the look any other cheerleader would give a nerd like him...

It's Written On Her Backpack, Jack Loves Jill...
Jill stood in the courtyard of the rather large High School with her fellow cheerleaders, it was their usual morning routine.
But, due to the fact it was nearing the end of junior year, everyone was crowding her in order to sign her backpack with the little purple sharpie.
He had to sign it as well, it was the only way he could tell her how he felt about her.
Shuffling over to the huge buzzing crowd, he brushed past his fellow students till he stood before Jill.
Almost hesitantly she handed him the little sharpie, as she watched him print the words `Jack loves Jill'.
A round of laughter struck up as the rest of the crowd read the three little words.

It's Hard To Think About That Now...
The flashbacks of his high school years had only begun, and they had only been in town for one day.
It was the first of many more visions that would haunt him while in the lovely state of Maryland. Oh, how that little nerd had changed over the years.

Jill Loves Jack, Cause Jack Got A Fast Car Now...
It was finally the start of a brand new year at the little high school, and all the seniors were reuniting on the front stairs, well at least the `important' seniors.
Jill stood there silent, watching as a brand new glistening Porsche pulled up to the curb where usually most students parked their vehicles.
Her mouth almost dropped to the ground as the nerd she knew as Jack Barakat emerged from the car, except he actually looked...
Automatically, she flipped her almost bleached blond hair over her shoulder, making eyes at him, trying to get his attention.
Of course, her little flirtatious movements led Jack on, his heart racing as fast as his mind.
But, of course Jill was only interested in his sudden popularity, and what advantage it would bring to herself.
Poor Jack actually put his heart out on the line for this...girl...

She's Staring At His Brand New High Tops...
It was finally time that the whole band had been eagerly awaiting, it was of course their hometown performance.
Jack stood poised in front his microphone, clutching the neck of his white guitar, waiting for the lights to come up, listening to the sound of the screaming crowd.
The bright lights lit up the stage and the band members of All Time Low came alive to the words of `Jasey Rae' flowing from Alex Gaskarth's mouth.
There standing against the metal barricade was the picture perfect Jill, just like a ghost of his past.
She stared up at the man she used to know, her gaze traveled to his brand new neon lime green high tops, her cheeks turning a bright pink color as she jumped up and down.
But, Jack didn't fall for her beauty once again, for he could he the dollar signs almost spark up in her eyes.

Bring On The Romance...
Jack sat at the long white folding table, signing countless items for his adoring fans, his fans were the only thing that kept him going on everyday.
Suddenly, a t-shirt was slapped down onto the table right in front of him.
His gaze slowly traveled upwards to meet the amber brown eyes that peered down at him.
“Long time no talk Jack...looking good...” She commented a coy smile crawling onto her lips.
Jack simply rolled his eyes, signing the t-shirt with the words `Jack doesn't love Jill' across the bottom part of the shirt.
“You lost your chance Jill...” He muttered, slamming down the sharpie as the other fans quickly left the room in chatter and giggles.

Come On, Come On, Come On...
Jill's brow furrowed in a confused manner, watching him carefully as if he hadn't been speaking in plain English.
“Come on, Come on, Jack! We have better things to do...let's go...” An impatient Zack retorted, placing his hands on his hips.
Jack stood up from the table as he brushed past Jill without a word, leaving the girl stunned at the fact of being turned down.
It was finally closure for Jack, there would be no more flashbacks...
No more `what ifs'...
This was the end...

Dance Till We Can't Dance...


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