Hello guys. :)
Remember when i said My hopes and dreams of seeing Sam were like completely crushed? WELL, IT'S NOT ANYMORE! I just freakin met him like on Thursday.. Yeap. THURSDAY. Maria and I decided to go find them at the airport! We found em! The pictures and stuff are all up on Facebook and all of them were really nice people. SAM DIDN'T TALK. He's just quiet. Cute and quiet, HE SHOULD'VE TALKED. But, nevermind. I love you sammie! So yeap, Tobias (lead singer), The Adj (Guitarist) and Ben (bassist) talked to me. ESPECIALLY TOBY AND THE ADJ. They were seriously into it man, Toby even took a picture with Maria and Me! And The Adj shook my hand! (His hand feels really nice by the way..) hahahaha, Maria and I talked to them for actually, it's kinda counted as a pretty long time. :) Ben was so sweet. And his accent was so strong, i seriously had to kinda guess what he was saying. But another reason why i had to guess was because i kept staring at his amazing looking blue eyes while he was talking to me. SAM DIDN'T SPEAK. BUT HE LOOKED AT ME AND SMILED AT ME AND HANDED ME MY SIGNED CD! SMILED AT ME WITH THAT CUTE LITTLE BABY SMILE!!!!!!!!

(Sam and The Adj)
(Sam's the taller one BTW.) Yeap, kinda like that. ONLY, he was so much cuter in real life man. HIS ARMS, oh my god. His arms are really like woah. And he had those cute pants and that cute shirt and OMG. Freaked the shit outta me! Okay..... Ben was really cute too. :)
(Alex is still mine and I still love him the most despite the very obvious fact that he is clearly a man-whore. I am not sorry if you are dissapointed that I still like him. FUCK OFF! He's mine!)
Have you guys heard of the new weird TV show on disney that's gonna be like screening? It's called uh, Upin and Ipin? Here's a photo for some reference.

Okay, now that you know what i'm talking about, I think the show is seriously the fucking dumbest shit in the world. ONE. Seriously, look at that poor kid behind with that "shocked" looked on his face? What happened to him, really? I WANNA KNOW. And WTF, Why are all of them cock-eyed? :-/
I'm not gonna watch the show.
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