Sunday, January 17, 2010

I haz cutted my hair.

Hello guys. After like a year of not doing anything to my hair, my dad finally forced me to cut it. And it's short. Long-short. Kinda. I'm so sad. :( But the guy that helped me cut my hair was like really nice. He had nice hair (duh) and like he spoke in chinese and I didn't understand shit so I just nodd-ed my head whenever he said something. Then he helped me like put some weird hair shit on my hair and It feels awesome. And my hair smells like hair soap shop place. (Wtf) :D
My hair is not even like half wavy anymore. Wtf. All the nice parts of my hair were like viciously chomped away by that nice chinese man. But I'm kinda amazed. He cut my hair in like 8 minutes or something. But it took him like a damn long time to dry my hair because it's so bloody thick. Damn I miss my old hair. :( The super light brown almost copper parts at at the bottom are gone. And my hair looks horrible. Sighz. I hate math as of now. How the fuck am I supposed to do my bloody math homework if I don't know how to do it? Teachers think I'm lazy and shit because I leave it blank but no way man, I actually sit down for like a bloody time trying to figure math out. So. Teachers to read it this shit. :-/ I like my Lit teacher. HAHA. Vegetarian.

PECK! : YEAH LA. I hate this year's sec ones man. All of them are like crazy irritating freaks. Especially the one who doesn't know whether to join badminton or track. Hope she joins track man. :-/


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