Friday, January 22, 2010

I'm 5 degrees away from dying.

I think people like pissing me off when they can already tell that i'm in a fucking bad mood.
I feel fucking horrible so whoever pissed me off today just killed my mood even more.
Hillary fucking Wan. Seriously. I felt like fucking ripping your head apart. And no after insulting me, you STILL wanted to talk to me seriously. Would it fucking KILL you to like be nicer? OR LESS BITCHY? EVEN AFTER YOU ALREADY HAVE NO FUCKING FRIENDS? Or are you trying to live fast and die young? If you are, can you die faster?
Why the fuck is my spine so badly curved? I am fucking 5 degrees away from it being like fucking screwed up. And NO, Victoria fucking Chua, You little asshole. Seriously. If you were older, i'd screw your life up. I came home wanting to like fucking rest and have a bloody nice dinner but NO. My mom just had to make it so much fucking worse. Telling me to fucking quit badminton cause it was bad for my back. Fucking stupid, then you put fucked up oil on my back that burned so fucking badly that my skin tore. All you could do is to tell me to fucking wash it off? What the fuck man, seriously. As if you didn't know my day was already bad enough. And you still kept blabbing on about shit I hardly even want to hear about, and you didn't care even when you knew I was tired of listening to your bullshit?AND YOU HAVE TO KEEP MENTIONING ABOUT DAD LEAVING. I KNOW HE IS FUCKING LEAVING AND YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW BADLY I DON'T FUCKING WANT HIM TO LEAVE. Then you told me I should said thank you. FOR WHAT? BURNING MY FUCKING BACK AND MAKING ME FEEL WORSE? Seriously, continue watching your fucking TV. You obviously like teachnology more than you like me.


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