Saturday, May 23, 2009

I just realised that I'm not so tall...... Or tall, at all.

Hey guys, so yeah. Guess who i saw yesterday?? :) F.R.E.D.D.I.E.
Okay, apparently according to Josephine, i didn't really care. I know you people are shocked but yes, i didn't really care. YOU WANNA KNOW WHY? I WAS EATIN' MY TIC-TACS!! My addiction is not over yet. Actually i saw all of them, the Edwin dude and the little dude. They stared at me while i was eating my tic-tacs. Hohohoho. Well, you wanna know the FULL and FAN-ISH story?? Well then go to Josephine's blog. The WHOLE fuckin' day was like in the post.
So yeah, guess what i realised? I am not tall enough, That Edwin dude is like taller than me (expected) But by a little but uh Freddie.......... WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY. I just got a glance of him but like he is like the tallest bloody shit like in the whole world. He was like the effiel tower and i an ant. Okay maybe not, okay he's like a ruler and i'm a USED pencil. He's like a head taller than me. A HEAD. A FREAKING HEAD.
So yes, i felt damn short standing in his presence. But i gotta say, i love his...........................................

CLOTHES! He has bloody nice taste, he had the "William Becketty" look, NO ONE could have pulled it off. NO ONE I TELL YOU. And like the Ah Lians there was like bloody digusting. We went up to the movie place level thing, and like the ah lians there could have made the first ever LIAN EMPIRE! C'mon guys, even though i hate history, let's do some history!

Religon : Lianitian.
Clothing : Short pants and skin-tight shirts.
Hair Styles : Ugly, hair MUST cover the WHOLE eye.
Relationship stuff : Boyfriend must ONLY last 1 week 3 at most.
Writing : always write stuff in short forms and add "cxz"s to the end of words. EG. "W8 4 MEH!"
Songs they listen too : ONLY CHINESE SONGS!!! like all those cheena songs that i completely don't understand.
Language : Cheena. Always use hokkien vulgarites.

Oh speaking of Chinese songs, i seriously don't get it. Almost ALL chinese songs are about love.
Like 99.9% Of the songs are about like love and shit. And they have like dumb lyrics, at least some of them do. Like one song i rememeber VERY WELL. I used to make fun of it. (sorry Breena, heh heh) Oh the lyrics went like this (in english, duh?)

I am a girl, i am a girl.
Guys like a girl, but don't like girls.

Okay, all i remember, yes if you translate it to chinese it would sound excactly like that. OF COURSE YOU'RE A GIRL? ARE YOU A PIG? (yes) NO? Then why would a guy like A girl if he could have like 100 million girls.
Okay if you're reading and you're guy If you could have like 10 million hot ass girls, and A hot ass girl, which would you choose? OF COURSE YOU'D WANT LIKE 10 MILLION HOT ASS GIRLS RIGHT? Who the hell wrote that song? It's so bloody stupid, most retarded song i've ever heard in my life. EWW.

Moral of today's pretty dang boring post :
Don't be an Ah Lian and don't listen to chinese songs, they make you stupid.


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