Thursday, May 21, 2009

This will be my breaking point, and yes it has been broken.

I'm super bloody pissed and this will be the first post that i vent out ALL my anger. Yes in most of my ranting posts, i only give you 1/90 of my REAL anger. You better thank god for that now i'm gonna give you like 30/90 of that anger oh, you don't know how angry i can be. That's why i tell you people i need anger mangement.
Okay, you say it's hard being the bloody class comm. Okay i understand our class can be very yes VERY late in handing shit up and all that kind's of crap, but as class com YOU DON'T SAY YOU DON'T WANNA PIN-POINT PEOPLE THEN BLOODY PIN-POINT SOMEONE CAUSE FOR THAT SERIOUSLY I'D KICK YOUR FACE AND CALL YOU A FUCKER YES IN YOUR BLOODY ASS-HOLIC FACE. Annabelle was talking about how we all should be friends and i just gave ONE VERY TRUE comment. I know, but it's not like we wanna be enemies we just have our differences. And what does ONE PERON SAY? (i shall not write your name as you have pissed me off.) THEN WHAT ABOUT YOU AND JILL?? DO YOU THINK I WANNA GET INTO STUPID PETTY FIGHTS WITH MY BEST FRIEND? HUH YOU BLOODY IDIOT TELLLLL MEEEE. And a bloody crybaby in my class. SUCK UP ASSHOLE. THE TRUTH HURTS, SHOULDN'T YOU KNOW THAT? Telling you that you're fucking a suck up is not a lie OKAY? You suck up EVERYONE'S ASSES SO YOU GET WHAT? ATTENTION? Nope, people just think you're bloody irritating always Oh my awesomest or whatever I AM NOT YOUR AWESOMEST AND NEVER WILL I BE. CRY CRY CRY. CRY ME A RIVER (if i did you'd pollute it with all the asses you sucked up to) For gods-sake ALL the class asked of you was to JUST be a crew member for the play and what your reply is "NOOOOO." And you have the bloody guts to tell other people you said "WAIT I'M THINKING"???? Dear people, that's what i call lying, you LIE when you fucking pathetic and have NOTHING TO SAY. (Or if you wanna uh trick people hahaha) OKAY?? Then oh cry and brag and brag and cry and suddenly say you wanna transfer schools TRANSFER THE FUCKING SCHOOL DUDE! I DON'T FUCKING GIVE A FUCKING SHIT ABOUT YOU TRANSFERING SCHOOLS, ACTUALLY I'D LIKE YOU TOO. PLEASE CRY MORE AND TRANSFER. Oh yes! Blame us! Blame everyone but you for making your own life a living hell! Go do that! Then what all you bloody asshole who were saying how stinky and how shitty she was a DAY ago start saying "OH YOU LIKE TO SEE YOUR FRIENDS CRY?"
Seriously? Trying to act all innocent when she's sad after she realises how much of a ass she is. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! And yeah i gotta agree with Jill! OUR CLASS IS BLOODY IMMATURE. YOU'RE SECONDARY ONE FOR GODS-SAKE WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU CRYING LIKE YOU'RE GONNA DIE IN 6 SECONDS OR SOMETHING? And like our class doesn't work together because there are just too many people who don't speak up for themselves because their too scared too, one of which was the crybaby. So yes, if you Still have failed to realise i AM pissed and angry. And now the class com says they ALL wanna quit. I didn't wanna say this before but i just SUDDENLY decided too.


Yes, i know it's hard being a class com member but look, like nicole said. Don't bloody talk to the class like we're a bunch of 6 year olds. Oh don't think i don't know what you guys are thinking, "WELL YOU GUYS WERE ACTING LIKE A BUNCH OF 6 YEAR OLD KIDS."
But what about you? You may not already know this but the thing running through other people's minds are.
You're 13, don't act like a 49 year old che-ko-peh. Nagging and shit, i know we're in the wrong. But have you ever thought of sitting down with the people that actually DID something to make the class a little hectic? Instead of scolding the WHOLE class? Some people seriously did not do shit to you. And like ***** Don't pin-point jill and me and say that we wanna be enemies. WE DON'T. AND BY THAT YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR RETARDED MOUTH ACTUALLY SAID? IT SAID BECAUSE OF JILL AND I AND WHOEVER ELSE CAUSE THE CLASS TO BE AS FUCKED UP AS IT IS NOW. If I were pissed enough, i would have stabbed you in the mouth. So THINK before you say something BLOODY STUPID. So yeah, sorry to the class com members if i was the ONE who was pissing you guys off. (probably... haha) So yeah in that case SORRZ. If not then i don't really care anymore but yeah if we don't wanna get scoldings from KAW we better not fuck the class up. And please dude, the class com is made to guide the class not fix friendship problems. So if we fight, don't blame us cause you can't fix our friendship problems cause at the end of the day, i don't think i'm your friend at all.

P.S.// No, HE is not coming for IJ Fiesta............... :(
P.S.S// My status of i think our class is awesome has just changed to it's the WORST and most screwed up class i've seen in my life.
P.S.S.// Cheryl Siew you were bloody rude to andrea. Telling people to SHUT UP is not an option anymore.
P.S.S.S// Heard from uh Pricilla that almost what ALL? the class com memebers wanted to cry. WHAT FOR?? HAHAHAHA. WTF. OUR PROBLEMS YOU WANNA CRY FOR US?? HAHAHA. You guys are F.U.N.N.Y.


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