Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Who was the bloody bastard that created exams?

Hey guys so as you know, my exams are over and well my results......... Hohohoho.
English : wait i forgot but i passed. :)
Math : 31 and for bastards who are like OHH PASS! No, it's upon a hundred.
Science : 55.5 IT'S A PASS BABY WHOOPIE.
Geography : 43 FUCK!
History : 31 FUCKED!
Chinese : 70.5 No not upon a hundred, no not a upon 80. IT'S UPON 140!
Lit : 74, A2 BABY.
Home Econs : I don't remember but i JUST passed. PHEWZERS.
So yeah, my "awesome" scores. So i'm pretty much screwed....... My dad's gonna go all oh you're not supposed to fail and OH you should score higher for chinese cause you're asian and shit like that. SO WHAT IF I'M ASIAN? CHINESE IS BULLCRAP. Anyway enough about exams let's talk about the next topic.

My school was vandalised OH YES! It was, by people who apparently thought the school teachers and the systems were all communists. Hohoho, pretty big words. I don't think ah lians did it, they're too dumb. *no offence dude* But yeah they are too dumb to plan something so god-damn big till the POLICE and to come. But i mean kudos to you vandalisers who think you're super cool just cause you did SHIT to make the school a SCARIER and WORSE place to learn in *Oh it's already bad, you just made it worst* So yeah. I think you're just rich ass kids who thought of something FUN to do and just wasted your money on shit spray cany things to spray EVERYTHING YOU FUCKING SAW. Oh some of the things you assholes said.
"SUCK MY COCK." (actually it's damn funny but oh well.)
You sprayed paint on father barre's head and it was the devil's sign asswipe.
Drew the Nazi sign near the stage.
"Tick tock, your time is up. You'll die tomorrow." (near the clocks by the way.)
And burnt one of the don't know what shit project that the sec 4's had been working on. A.S.S.H.O.L.E.S.
"Welcome to communist ** TP." In the front of the hall.
So well yeah, the rest well. I'm too lazy to type it out. I don't wanna waste my time on bloody useless people like AAHEEEMM. So yeah, you wanna know what i think about you guys? :D
Well, i think you're REALLY smart but at the same time ONE OR A FEW OF THE MOST RETARDED PEOPLE I'VE SEEN IN MY LIFE. Don't you know that you bloody retards will get caught like sooner or later have you heard of something called a camera? A C.A.M.E.R.A.? Well if you guys don't the C.A.M.E.R.A. can tape EVERYTHING you guys did! E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. HAHA, SO COOL RIGHT? I KNOW!! So yeah, you guys are screwed HAHA! IN YOUR FACE! :)


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