Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Misery loves me.

You are a failure and you know it. You suck in school and your life is a bore and you are nothing but messed up. You have to hide stuff from people that you need most in your life because honestly, no one can understand how you feel. No one will never be truly there and no one will watch you when you're falling. They are going to let you fall and hard, and they are going to force you to walk to broken glass to get to what you want because life is a bitch and life has discerned you as a complete failure. And after some time when people accuse you of something, you don't care anymore because you know that no one is going to believe you since you've always been failure. You hate it when you have to be happy in front of everyone because you know they're gonna ask you what's wrong and you're tired of explaining something they would not understand. You'd like to think that you'll go down with the world when it ends because after all, the captain goes down with the ship. You wish you could steer your own life but because of the fucking law, it has to be on automatic unless you fight for it which has been proven too tough for you. You are weak but you're fighting a war that was never meant to be fought and you of course, are losing it zero to a hundred. You hate it when people tell you not to give up and you of all people know that it's not that you have given up, it's that you're too bloody scared to try it because you know for a fucking fact that you are going to fail.
Failure. It makes everyone unhappy and it kills you to have to live your whole life a loser because you failed.
You are a loser.
You need to buy yourself another life because this life is too short and in your hands, it's not worth spending.
You are the person writing this post because you know too much about failure.
You need someone like McMahon to write songs that motivate you so you don't fall into an endless pit of depression and kill yourself.
You are pathetic.


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